Bhutanese Doma (Chewing of Betel Nuts/Areca Nuts, Betel Leaves & Lime )

Since it has got the traditional values, chewing betel nut is not restricted in Bhutan. However, these days, doctor advises the people to stop taking the betel nuts. Chewing betel nut in some other countries has also became their tradition. However, the chewing of betel nut increases the risk of mouth cancers and the esophagus and it can also adversely affect the health of a baby inside the womb.

Doma, {which comprises of betel nut, lime & paan (betel leaf)} is chewed and enjoyed by many  Bhutanese adults. Matured Betel nuts usually smell like a stool. If you heat a matured betel nut on a frying pan, it smells like a bone. Bhutanese domas are usally packed inside a paper or inside a small plastic. Plenty of Packed domas can be found in the Bhutanese markets. Excessive or to some people even a moderate chewing of doma is injurious to health! Please take care of your health. 

The areca nut in Bhutan is mostly imported from India, Assam and Bengal. The cultivation of areca nut had also started in the 1960s in the southern foothills of Bhutan. Upon importing the Betel nuts, we have to pay 50% customs duty on CIF value and 20% sales tax on FOB value. For betel leaves, we have to pay 50% customs duty on CIF value and we don't to pay sales tax. For all the Indian goods customs duty is exempted and we have to only sales tax.